Trying to develop a computer model of biological neural networks

Walter Eric Johnson wej3715 at fox.tamu.edu
Tue Sep 15 17:08:27 EST 1998

david_olmsted at my-dejanews.com wrote:
: Quite correct. The first stage of the site(now mostly complete)shows that
: asynchronous multivalued logic neural networks can do some behaviorally
: relevant information processing and do it better (faster, more robustly) than
: any existing neural network.

Does it show that?  I must have missed a few thousand pages of information
describing proofs, experiments, and analysis.

: It also shows how multivalued logic operations
: can be implemented by neurons.

Does it show that, too?  That's another few thousand pages I missed.
Must be some really great neurochemistry in there to oexplain that.

: I am hoping that Yale University will soon put
: up illustrations of microcircuits so web surfers can compare the those
: proposed for multivalued logic operations will real microcircuits. (if not I
: will just have to scan them from Gordon Shepherd's most recent book).

Some of us already have copies.  Many of those who don't probably have it
readily available.  How about some relevant citations.  That way, you
don't  need to worry about violating copyrights.

: The second stage of the site on which I am now working is to provide detailed
: reviews of the non-mammalian neuroscience literature in order to provide
: macroscopic confirmation of these ideas. The reticular formation has mostly
: been reviewed and its neural structure and function confirms the multivalued
: logic model assigned to it.
: The third stage will be to model the microcicuits of neurons at their ionic
: level to provide microscopic confirmation by showing that all
: their non-linearities appoximate multivalued logic operations.

: So like any new theory only time will prove its correctness.

I'd hardly call it a "theory".  In science, to be rightfully called
a "theory" requires a very great deal of support.  How about a
"conjecture"?  That seems much more appropriate.  (I must admit
that many things were termed "theories" well before the support
was there.)

Eric Johnson

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