Stroud and analysis - a model of mind

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Mon Sep 14 11:10:04 EST 1998

Michael Stroud on Sun 13 Sep 1998 in alt.psychology.nlp wrote:

> Hi, I've been reading Robert Dilts' Modelling with NLP,
> and chapter one has this excellent 10 page summary of
> the NLP epistemology.  I think this is a working model
> of how we work with the mind. Now I believe I can build
> quite a detailed systems analysis model from this (and
> other sources) and I've been successful at starting to do it.
> Three things are holding me back from publishing:
> 1) is this useful and what does it mean and will anyone be interested?
> 2) I want to add a lot more detail before it meets my criteria for a
> model that "I know hangs together"
> 3) I have yet to find out how to best e-publish such diagrams.
> So It will probably be about Christmas before I publish it.

  [ Much actually quite critical information snipped for brevity. ]
  [ Please see above ID # <6tfsbf$12i$1 at plug.news.pipex.net> and  ]
  [ http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/taotmeme.html#7ch  ]

> The hard bit for me is in tracking all the simplifications
> so that you can back-track when you have over-simplified.
> This needs to be done to some extent explicitly otherwise
> loose-ends get lost.  Although I suppose someone like Einstein
> would find a visual metaphor to handle all that. Oh-dear <grin>,
> I'll have to get another of Dilt's books (viz. on Einstein).
> Any comments?

> James Malcom wrote in message <35F55AEE.63D8D334 at yahoo.com>...
>> MichaelStroud,
>>    I've been gone a week, and it seems you have too.
>>    Please post some more about your systems analysis
>>    methods and approach to NLP issues.
>>    We'd be very grateful.  [...]

 http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/ "The Cyborg Syllabus"
Any serious attempt to model the brain-mind should react against:

  Hearing    Vision    Concepts Volition Emotion   Motor Output
 /iiiiiii\  /!i!i!i!\                             /YYYYYYYYYYYY\
| ||||||| || ||||||| |   T                       | |||||||||||| |
| ||||||| || | ___ | |   +                       | |||||||||||| |
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| ||||||| ||         | (idea)               __   | |K|||||||||| |
| | ||||| ||         |  \__/---------------/  \  | |E|||R|||||| |
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| || |||| ||/entrant\|   +     (  ci-   )        | |||||||||T|| |
| ||||||| ||\ image /|   +      \ sion /---------|----------*|| |
| ||||||| || \_____/ |   +       \____/          | |||||||||||| |
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