Mitochondria: Histochemical method for complex III

Thomas Christensen tc at nepa.ku.dk
Mon Sep 14 01:09:20 EST 1998

Dear reader,

Working as a researcher in a neuropathology laboratory I have become
interested in histochemical staining procedures for demonstration of the
activity of the different complexes in the mitochondrial electron transport

So far I have found method descriptions for complex I (NADH-dehydrogenase),
complex II (succinate dehydrogenase), complex IV (cytochrome oxidase) and
complex V (ATP-synthase),
but I still need to find a histochemical procedure for

complex III (CoQH2-cytochrome c reductase s. ubiquinol cyt c reductase).

Is anyone aware of the existence of such a method or, alternatively, could
anyone give me some advice on how to device such a method?


Kind regards

Thomas Christensen, MD.
Lab. of Neuropathology
Univ. of Copenhagen
e-mail: tc at nepa.ku.dk

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