Is there a dominant ear???

Kalman Rubinson kr4 at is2.nyu.edu
Sun Sep 13 21:02:02 EST 1998

Griffith A V Morgan (gmorgan at uoguelph.ca) wrote:
> Comment:
> 	Yes,there is a dominant ear. This was established years ago by
> work such as that of Alfred Tomatis [Paris] on listening,the uterine
> genesis of the vestibualr/auditory system. One obvious explanation -the
> human brain is specialized/localized for langauge functiong -areas of the
> left lobe which not only can be shown to process language preferentailly
> but show greater anatomical development. The left lobe receives
> neurolgical input from the right ear,jus as the right lobe areas receive
> from the left ear. 

This is not so.  Above the brainstem, the projections to the thalamus
and auditory cortex bear the input from both ears.  They may not be fully
equal but lesions clealy affect threshholds on both sides.


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