Doctors, Scientists and Independent Film

f_a at my-dejanews.com f_a at my-dejanews.com
Fri Sep 11 23:59:19 EST 1998

The cliche of Independent Film investors are the collection of doctors and
dentists flush with cash and hungry for excitement, glamour and riches.  More
often than not, they are naive speculators who get burned.  Although investing
in Independent film can be exciting and profitable, it's not too thrilling if
not intelligently done.  Film investments are commonly emotional or "vanity"
investments, but you don't have to throw your money away.  There are clear
reasons why some films fail while others succeed.

We invite you to be a part of an intelligent film investment opportunity. 
"The Dogwalker", a new feature film from Jacques Thelemaque and the
innovative non- profit filmmaking collective Filmmakers Alliance chronicles
the relationship between a misanthropic dogwalker and a young woman on the
run from an abusive relationship.  Quirky and darkly humorous, the film uses
dogs as a poetic metaphor for exploring the psychological underpinnings of
abuse and self-anger.

A solidly structured project, the film will be produced through Filmmakers
Alliance, whose inventory of resources and talent allows investors to
exponentially increase the value of each dollar invested.  We invite you to
check out our business plan at www.filmmakersalliance.com/dogwalker, or
inquire at (213)880-3805.

FOR SERIOUS INVESTORS ONLY willing to qualify themselves - we will be holding
an investor dinner party in early November hosted by Maureen O'Boyle - anchor
of television's "Extra" - at her lovely home in Los Angeles.  Invitation Only.
Please contact us no later than October 16th if interested.

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