free medical image 3D visualization software for Windows95

Andrew Miller amiller at infohouse.com
Thu Sep 10 01:57:56 EST 1998

NeuroModeller version 1.14 update

Free medical image 3D visualization software for Windows95 brought to you by
Cornell University/Division of Neurosurgery available at:


... download size is 1320 KB. The site also offers MRI & 3D test data.

The application supports software rendering & hardware 3D accelerated
graphics, as well as file support for DICOM, BMP, & RAW formats.

NeuroModeller offers realtime 3D visualization and manipulation of surface
iso-contours. Some of the features include: scrolling through multiple
contours, superposition of contours, rotating, zooming, moving, lighting,
texture mapping, coloring with transparency, and toggling on or off the
visibility of contiguous regions.

NeuroModeller is now capable of combining FUNCTIONAL IMAGING with normal
anatomical data.

Image processing features of NeuroModeller include: window/level control,
thresholding, pixel island removal, masking, and anisotropic diffusion.

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