In article <stephan-0909980154140001 at>, stephan at
(Stephan) wrote:
>You also left out the highest paying job, which is to do management
>consulting as a specialty consultant in pharmaceuticals and health-care. I
>mean if you are going to sell out, you might as well sell out big
To all the neuroscientists who have responded.... what a great bunch of
answers I've gotten. May have to publish a paper on the results.. many
agreements *and* disagreements about what is pure science and what is
*sellin out.* Had no idea I'd get so many passionate and creative
responses... this has been *fun*. I guess sometimes it takes a simple
question by an innocent bystander to produce such chemical warfare of the
Thanks again,
I know my daughter is going to really enjoy the correspondence when I send
her all that I've printed. Hopefully, you'll be seeing her name in the