In article <35F40EF1.D5ED8712 at>,
icircle at wrote:
>david_olmsted at wrote:
>> > The work of Gordon Shepherd of Yale University and colleagues has
> > indicated
> > that the microcircuit and not the neuron is the location of the
> > fundamental
> > unit of information processing. Yet no theory has arisen to explain
> > why this
> > is so until now. My new site at suggests
> > that
> > microcircuits implement asynchronous multivalued logic operations.
>> My experience, as a computer programmer and VLSI-designer, is
> that it does not make much sense for the brain to be structured in logic
> modules.
> Just do some automated VLSI design, and notice that the one that really
> has
> to work out the logic is the one behind the keyboard!
> So for a brain to work out some logic circuit, which is stable and does
> adapt
> to changing circumstances, we need a brain to program it.
>> On the other hand:
> Maybe I just have to wait for my computer to evolve and catch up with my
> way of thinking. :-)
The great difference between multivalued logic and binary logic is that
multivalued logic uses analog values which can be modified by various
adaptive elements such as multiplication factors (weights). My web site at gives several examples of adaptive multivalued
logic circuits. One type which represents the tectum in the brain uses the
same strategy as that found in Stephen Grossburg's Adaptive Resonant Networks
but in a simpler and more robust form.
David Olmsted
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