Bill Hale <hale at> the genteel scholar, wrote:
>>In article [...], mentifex at (Mentifex) wrote:
>>> David D. Olmsetd <david_olmsted at> wrote on 5 Sep 1998:
>> >
>> This site has now been added to
>> and I would
>> like to add it to
>> but I seem
>> to have reached a GeoCities editabl-file limit with my 29,810 bytes.
>> Does anyone know how to continue editing the HTML beyond 29K? Thanks
>> One method is not to use the GeoCities HTML editor. Instead, create and
> edit your HTML on your local computer, and upload it to GeoCities using
> the File Manager Utilities.
>> You can use any simple text editor or even a word processing program
> if you save the file as text. Another method is to use the HTML editor
> provided by Netscape (the pro version). Another method is to get a
> freeware HTML editor at a site like Another method is
> to get a program that converts output from Microsoft Word to HTML (for
> example, CUHTML from Chinese University). Another method is to buy one
> of the several available HTML editing programs.
Thank you most kindly, Bill Hale, for such thoroughgoing help.
Project Mentifex runs on a bank of Amigas, so the also-ran-OS
apps cited will not immediately help, but the ideas help.
Ah, another meme-propagation attempt foiled! As the MM Millennium
[decode: Roman "MM" = Y2K] approaches, we (Victoria and I, but she
doesn't say much since Rudyard Kipling's days) would not be amused
to continue pushing highly unpopular "Neuro, AI and Robotics" [Oh!
gotta go up and add comp.robotics.misc!] memes upon a long-suffering
Netizenry, so we are trying to set up Mentifex memetic outposts in
the vaunted clickstream. Then we will stop posting to Usenet as
Fri.31.dec.1998 clicks over into the Unspeakable new year: Y2K.