Q: Separation of mitral cells in olfactory bulb

Andrew Davison apd1002 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Sep 1 09:16:40 EST 1998

Does anyone know any values for the mean separation of mitral cell
somata in the olfactory bulbs of rats, rabbits or mice? Alternatively,
the mean surface area of the mitral cell layer?

I am sure the answer to this must be well-known, but I can't find any
values in any of the papers on olfactory bulb anatomy/morphology I've

Additional information I would be glad to have: mean number of
dendrodendritic synapses formed by (i) a single mitral/tufted cell and
(ii) a granule cell.

 Andrew Davison
 Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience
 The Babraham Institute
 Cambridge			Tel: +44 (0)1223 832312 ext 256 
 CB2 4AT			Fax: +44 (0)1223 837912
 UK				Email: apd1002 at cam.ac.uk

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