The truth is out there

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Mon Nov 30 22:10:02 EST 1998

Walter Eric Johnson wrote:

> Andrew K Fletcher (andrew.k.fletcher at naturesway.demon.co.uk) wrote:
> : how people are supposed to think in order to become scientists? I believe
> : you have touched upon the very reason for such a prolonged existence of many
> : erroneous scientific projections
> Are you saying that legal matters are more exact than science?  In
> legal matters you have something that is far simpler and with far
> more errors of every kind.
> What do you mean by "prolonged existence of erroneous scientific
> projections"?  Give concrete examples, please.

Ptolemaic Astronomy, Phlogiston Theory, Blood-Letting, Phrenology, "attractive
'gravity'", "conservation of energy", "'constant' c", "the vacuum of 'empty'
space", "the 'atomic nucleus'", "sub-atomic 'particles'", "quantum" Mechanics,
"the strong-'nuclear' force", "symmetry", "black holes", etc. K. P. Collins (ken)

> :     the world was once thought to be flat by a like minded thinkers.
> Yeah!  By those who didn't know any better.  In fact, man has known that
> the world is not flat for a very long time.  Didn't the ancient Greeks
> perform a fairly good estimate of the diameter of the earth?
> Eric Johnson

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