Apology to kkollins

John johnhkm at logicworld.com.au
Mon Nov 30 23:15:49 EST 1998

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote in message
<3661BA38.483C7A78 at pop3.concentric.net>...
>John, you need olny take what you've posted "to me", and juxtapose it
>your original post... talk about "obfusaction... you've left behind the
>context of the thread you started :-).

No I took a chance. My primary intellectual interest is the
philosophy\epistemology of science. I am here because understanding how we
know requires at the very minimum a partial understanding of what it is
doing the knowing. I come here to listen and learn for the most part, I
think it best I return to this strategy. Usually I confine myself to
neuroscience in this group but made an exception here because I felt it was
worth going down that road. I took a chance and failed.

I was trying to point to you that if you're going to create your own
nomenclature then you had better sure it is so constructed as to be readily
accessible to those reading it. Everything in my post can referenced through
external agencies so if you felt it obscure then I suggest you refer to the
same. The same cannot be said for your nomenclature, which is uniquely your
own and as such is often incomprehensible, as many posters have pointed out
to you. Your liberal use of personal idioms should suggest something to you
this regard.

Get it? Anyone with any familiarity with the matters and language I employed
would have little difficulty following that. The lesson is obvious, if
you're not going to take the reader into account don't write.

You are correct, my primary interests do not belong in bionet.neuroscience,
I'm sapping off you lot for all your worth! The generosity of many of the
posters here has provided me with sufficient reading and thinking material
so I shouldn't be bothering you much longer.  Fear not, soon I shall be away
(damn work).

As to my obscure ramblings concerning domain relevance, don't take my word
for it. Yesterday I started reading a text which may assist you, The
Investigation of the Physical World, G. Toraldo Di Francia, Cambridge
University Press. (Dated at 1976 (English trans.)) pp 140ff. I'm sorry Ken,
but it is very difficult to put forward these ideas in this newsgroup
without an extended post. Seriously, I believe it would be worth your while
to reconsider my earlier posts. Better still, return to the library and
investigate it all for youself. It will help you.


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