Opions Please! Why Does This Happen??

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Mon Nov 30 04:27:22 EST 1998

In bionet.neuroscience Cijadrachon <cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> ...After I had a concussion I wanted to alter my brain as it had
> anyway, and since that time on drugs I do not usually perceive sectors
> anymore, though in very rare exceptions I sometimes still do. These
> here were based on flaring headaches I got after mistakes,
> and from aiming into other heads. ...

I have missed this - when was that concussion?

> As sort of a partial autist as far as I remember I decided by the age
> of six that I am different from other people, that what they did
> seemed more boring than what I liked, and then for long times went my
> ways.

And that was before the concussion, I assume?

Dag Stenberg

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