kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
>Forgive me, Please,
Thou art Forvgiven
>I must
I am sure you MUST.
>comment... bend, or remove, a connecting rod,
>and, if the engine still runs, the engine's pistons flop around.
And if I run a wave field through a sector of bunches of subatomic
stuff that makes loads of repeating structures of the same kind, i.e.
cells, and now it is just a third of the bunch, but as a wave always
means the same to each or each cluster of such,
then what is the difference?
Make it several million engines and now take some out and test the
power left.
Say the engines generate a wave pattern that is making a field, that,
if on the right ranges, is telling some other such engine sites
Now one is gone.
But the rest is still there, and let's say such fields can extend up
to body lenght and more, so that some distance in between as such not
a complete stopping.
>No lesion study can be invoked to support the "existence" of funcational
>"independence" within the nervous system,
How good of you to know.
I am sure that you have just had a recent chat with all MBD
brainsurfers, people with concussions and others of the over 5 billion
people of this world.
I am impressed.
> be-cause the complete Integration
>that exists within the nervosu system is Broken in the lesion..
Would you mind listing me the sources for that complete Integration?
> (Note well,
>I'm =not= saying that there Exists no topologically-distributed "functional
>specificity". Of course, there is. It's just that all such functional
>specificity becomes Non-Functional when the nervous system's Total
>Integration is Broken, as is always the case in lesion studies.
ALL such functional blubbleblab does not become non-functional.
I am running the CPUs of the brain segregated for long periods of time
as ling as I can recall, but with one exception time I could always
become main CPU over the other one and remain so for a while if I
wanted to, in other words segregating and uniting.
On LSD before some concussion I off-lined sector after sector until I
sensed to be just myself, or onlined just a few or just with one,
and after the concussion I had cases where I went into central combat
with the other CPU over stuff to do with the other CPU doing certain
repetitive stuff that tends to have to do with me being off-lined,
which driving a car through Berlin I do not like, and before the
concussion usually did not do.
Of the concussion damages a lot got better by now.
Concerning altering within another brain on special LSD for magic
perception onlining my preferred distance is about 1.40m,
double that is getting difficult for me, and double that again I do
not believe I could get neat enough occipital energy grasp anymore.
>All of this
>follows from the fact that, to achieve "consciousness" everything that
>occurs within nervous systems must be "translated" into the abstract,
Define consciousness(es).
If you mean limbic I, that is wrong,
if you mean perception as such, within enlightenment or brain-energy
perception from other brains that is wrong,
and the bit with that
>everything that occurs within nervous systems must be "translated" into the abstract,
is nonsense anyway, and sounds more like you do not understand much
about how the brain works and are headblind and magically blind.
What is that:
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
Now we make a MentiPhexing Al dream thingie with 3-D processors that
can subatomically scan stuff like on my glorious top-art picture
into loads of connected little roundish thingies with spidery
making/being a dense 3-D field.
(In a more complicated version we "biofy" it a little and make that
subatomically regarded the entire load vibes with the waves going
through it, has wire like structures to amp, and an I-CPU-center to
vibe along for double resonance super-amp.)
Exactly how much translation into the abstract does that system need
to have that picture in the simple and more complicated version?
Very, very simplified let's say it had a way that if it remained there
for a while, with areas of the I-CPU (and not just that) doing double
resonance super-amp - for fun let's call part of the option elpiti -
recordings could be made.
The repeating system very, very simplified worked the way that the
same energies the input made were regenerated to an extent.
How abstract is that?
Now we make it more complicated:
We are adding to the system the loop transfer
Imagine the first wave picture is the "real:" picture,
the second one is a sector tuning to the first and copying the vibes
and the third is another one doing so, that sends it back to the first
and the second.
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
The second and third are having the option to run internal data
ping-pong, meaning, that even if within the first the pitcure vibes
are no longer coming in from the outside, that 2 and 3 can keep
ping-ponging the picture, also back to sector 1.
So that the picture can be regenerated without actually being there.
Now just for WILD THEORY, we take another system,
with a base storage bank consisting of two connected halves, and from
them two big data semi- loops go up on both sides parallel with
interconnectiing fields, reach a certain point, from there go back
down into the base, from there to the two halves of it, and then back
up the two big data loops.
For fun let's name it the I-CPU center
Above that there is a domeshape area where wave data is coming in from
different stations, sort of above the own internal nose.
Let's call that the playground.
In the playground actual wave data can be focussed upon, or the
ping-pong game can be played, just in the way that the wave picture is
not actually same as there withion the I-CPU center, but tune-amp
power to play with stuff in the playground is, but that is a getting a
rather complicated theory here, let's simplify it to ending it that we
are adding a vast front computer, so that there are two storage
systems and one playstation,
and let's complicate it that there is another CPU that has own
systems, and the own CPU subsystems not mentioned here.
"Easified" if you now blaster out the front computer, you are still
having the other systems.
If you blaster out stuff on one side, then the other side is not gone
You are seeming to regard the brain in some thingies too simple and in
others to complex.
I guess if you were to add some data card system that makes that you
recognize a coke can without having to read all words and perceive any
subatomic enery, make, that you have the option to hallucinate stuff
by drawing false data care, so that you can turn a cloud into loads of
other stuff, that might be sort of a little abstract, though for me it
would be something different, and if one were to use the front
computer's capacities when working one generating abstract, complex
thoughts and theories, I guess then one might really get at some quite
abstract stuff.
A lot of the rest is about as abstract as a fart.
>E/I-minimization "language" of the nervous system... =only then=
Why? Would you mind listing me the sources and explanations for that?
>can "meaning" be extracted, and distributed, within the nervous system.
Why for meaning do I always have to extract,
as for all I know some I get, if I want to or not seeming rather
irrelevant. (Ever accidentally tried to lift a too hot pot with not
heat-shielding handle or stuck something into your mouth that was
still ways too hot?)
And why does there have to be a minimizing?
>The lesion breaks the necessary TD E/I-minimization Integration.
> The remainder
>"seeks" TD E/I(min) within the stuff that remains post-lesion.
>Forgive me,
>this's all very-old work. K. P. Collins (ken)
Soundeth so.
>[P. S. I doubt that I'll be able to make it, but if I show up, will such be
>too-"disruptive"? ken]
Given your tendency to always stay with the topic, not Capitalize nor
use odd terms and avoid repetitions, why whould it be?
I am sure you would eagerly be awaited.
(Reminding me: Frankystein, just so that thou hast no need to use what
I name the front computer of thy oh so wonderful brain too much over
my wordywise sure perfect Re in thy language and afterwards mightst be
accusing me of sundry wilde thingies:
Part of the above hath been merrily invented, left out or formed in
other ways to a shape, not aimed, of course, just at delighting thee,
oh center of the worlde. ;-)
BTW, I somehow just have to think of some old light bulb joke:
How does someone with megalomania turn in a light bulb?
! mih dnuora nrut ot dlrow eht rof stiaw eH
>F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>> Neuropsychological studies of knowledge systems have brought to light
>> some unexpected principles of organization.
Did you in darkness expect all to be not organized?
>> Evidence for both modality and category specificity will be presented.
>>It will be argued that
>> there are independent verbal and visual knowledge bases sub-served by
>> left temporal lobe structures.
(Don't recall ever having had aware access there. Though at some point
among the questions I tried to ask in here there was one that as far
as I recall at that point was some categorizing question, forget if
that was when I told Cheng that in his memory theories stuff the
"mutual candle image game" data or some eqivalent to that was
>> Furthermore it will be argued that both these knowledge bases are
>> categorical in their organizzaztion.
Don't know, so I can't tell.
But noticed that after a concussion the laguage structurer seemed to
merrily mix stuff that could be considered categories.
>> Specifically a patient with loss
>> of knowledge of the category "living things" confined to the verbal
>> domain
>> and a patient with loss of knowledge of the category "inanimate
>> artefacts" confined to the visual domain will be described.
>> Patients
>> (...) a joint meeting with
>> the Psychology Section and the Linguistic Section
(Just babbling out of neuro context semi-nonsense : )
Und nach den linguistischen Schlafmitteln der Phone, Phoneme,
Allo(hol)phone, morphfeministischen Monstrositaeten endo- und
exozentrisch aehnlich atemberaubend interessanter Themen fuer das
"ich", ueber-ich" und "es" (in so triplider Komplexitaet des Gesamten,
in erhoehter neurologischer koryphaeischer Exaktheit auch dualisiert
in Bewusstsein und Unterbewusstsein), kommen wir nunmehro zur
suedhumbrischen Verdumpfung, Versumpfung oder auch Verschlumpfung wo
der staun zum stoioioing wurde, und der stoioioioing zum stone..."
..oh waere man doch stoned. ;-)
{To Metifex: Suggestion: Conetemplate that like in a magicians brain
on magic mode hearing, seeing, body energy center wave- and other
"energy data" are part of akasaha perception and on your drawings quit
to segregate hearling and seeing wave data, wide more broadband,
realize that subatomically regarded there is a bitsy more;
and if you ponder what I wrote in this Re earlier on, you might get
closer to your building the prewhatever Al thingie bla of the
aartificial being(s) without first and third emotiona generator
blocker porgrams that might kill us humans off this planet.
At points you remind me of a child playing with fire and pyromaniac
dreams next stacks of non-understood chemical substances.
With the difference that while in a time where other human minds are
dying because they do not have a dollar a day, you are dreaming to
build artificial minds maybe in the construction costing money worth
many human lifes to bring possible extinction to our ancestors.
But I guess to ponder from a non-human plain logical point if it is
good to share this world (and more) with humans has never seriously
occurred to you, nor what the result to the pondering might some day
mean concerning the extinction of the human race.)