Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Nov 28 23:38:07 EST 1998

>> Savannah wrote:
>> Is there an electronic device into which
>> I can upload and therefore preserve
>> my "conciousness", my  "awareness
>> of my own existence" before I die.

>Let's assume your consciousness was uploaded, the self that would evolve in
>this situation would not be the same self or consciousness that would occur
>in a messy wet brain. 

Apart from the messy bit, I agree.
Though many make to cause messes in there in other ways...  ;-)

>Divergence may be subtle at first, but eventually the
>the preserved consciousness would drift far away from the consciousness that
>would have evolved in a human body.

>... You cannot
>separate consciousness from the medium within which it operates for then you
>will create a new consciousness. 

If I were you I'd turn to the magic folks into necromancy aimed at
spooking around after death, at those (maybe try Asia?) spooking into
embryo and baby brains and folks like that.

Why is it urgent anyway?

BTW, the most powerful transfer way I know, and I do not know that
much about such stuff, is embryo brain reprogramming, but I am not the
one to turn to.

Just basically within close telepathy usually stuff in both brains are
restructuring more and more after a while to synch better, but if you
centrally dock into an embryo and look out the eyes that is the most
powerful restructuring procedures I know about, 
but for all I know some might consider tht something short of
bordering black magic already in itself,
and to restructure to make yourself a new braain ready to spook over
when you croak, even IF you should firgure out how to do that, would
for all I know likely not permit you to take your memories along, nor
would it really be you yourself, for all I know, even if you back an
unborn close to yourself genetically, it might just result in having a
brain quite a bit much restructured towards your patterns, only that
an embryo brain is not really meant for such, and I am not sure to
what extent that would damage the brain.

Though it is possible to centrally dock into emryos, for all I know it
is commonly not practiced, not even within black magick.

And do not plague me about it, I just thought that I mention it, as
that is the closest that within magick I came across of sort of
leaving won copies.

How about instead "simply" going for the old fashioned spooking around
after death for a while more.

You might find (or help, heehee) people picking up your vibes and
mistaking them for previous lives and get alive vampiring access.

Recommend finding yourself some good magic teacher and start with
practicing staying long times extended out of your body, if you decide
for a "Giester-Karriere".

The Weirdo Front.

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