I should not really comment, but:
Cijadrachon <cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> BTW, I seriously killed of loads of data, just cause of your remarks,
> to annoy you, because for all I know I was the only one who had them.
I sincerely hope you are the only one believing that data was data.
> Before the concussion I could segregate the emotion generators and
> myself off them enough, then still keep enough links and parallel
> tracks (which since the concussion I can't anymore, keep losing track..
This (about the concussion) could be interesting - I had not noted anything
about a concussion before. That information must have drowned in the
previous mass of words.
> As an LSD teacher it is my prime task is to see that people can handle
> the stuff and the next task to teach them stuff to do with LSD.
I think comments are unnecessary.
Dag Stenberg