krebs research , Dr Kandell

Robert M. Mihalek mihalek at FORMULA1.smtp.anes.upmc.edu
Mon Nov 30 10:25:28 EST 1998

In article <73ilac$549 at sjx-ixn3.ix.netcom.com>
flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) writes:

> Is it really possible?  That he heard "CREB" and thought Krebs??  But
> whence "cycle" ?  Maybe he had studied Krebs cycle years ago and was
> thereby primed to hear CREB as kreb???  Possible.  But I find it hard
> to believe that Kandel would have said he intended to market a pill in
> 10 years (or ever).   And yet, and yet... Columbia has invested a lot
> in its new biotech/commercial facilities (where Malcom X was shot)...
> (Did you really see this program, or is this just an inspired guess?)
> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
> New York Neuropsychology Group

Inspired guess. I have met Dr. Kandel on several occasions, have read
many of his publications, and have worked in a laboratory which was
conducting research involved in CREB actions in invertebrates (vs.
Kandel's mouse studies). 

I guessed that the "cycle" was added on by either the TV program or the
person who posted the question originally, since the Krebs
(tricarboxylic acid) Cycle is very popular.

The "pill" idea isn't too far fetched. At a minimum, drug applications
for humans are part of almost all of these grant applications. However,
if they can find some central enzymatic process in a CREB-mediated
long-term memory pathway, why not a pill?


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