Apology to kkollins

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sun Nov 29 19:19:03 EST 1998

John wrote:

> [...] Kkollins thinks he is the process of some grand synthesis across various

> disciplines.

FWIW, the only goal that I've ever set for myself was the Full-Disclosure of the

Biological roots of Prejudice.

Everything else that I've done was Required of me by other folks who "attacked"
the Reification of Prejudice from the perspectives of that which was Familiar to


Such has gone-on, in an ad-infinitum way, but the only thing that I've ever been

doing is that which was Required of me with respect to the Reification of the
Biological roots of Prejudice that's been in AoK all along.

I'll continue to try to do what's Required of me, but my goal will remain
Communicating the Reification of the Biological roots of Prejudice that's been
in AoK all along.

There's been so much B. S. that's displaced that which is the Responsibility of
Science, in this matter, that I realized, long-ago, that things must be
dealt-with in an in-person, before Fair Witnesses, way.

If such is an "unreasonable" expectation, I wish someone would substantiate such

"unreasonableness", because, having Experienced what I have, in fact,
Experienced, I can see no "unreasonableness" in what I ask of Community of
Neuroscience Reseachers... all I'm doing is Neuroscience, after all.

...of course, I'll be a "lonely traveler"... such "hurts"... it's "just" that
=not= Standing-Up to my Obligations Hurts, Terribly-More. I'll deal with the
small-"hurt" inherent in the alone-ness. ken collins

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