Bloxy's wrote:
> In article <365B46BB.79D2 at>, Jim Hunter <jim.hunter at> wrote:
> >Ray Scanlon wrote:
> > >
> > > Jim Hunter wrote in message
> > > <364CFF6A.29ACD8BB at>...
> > > > The brain certainly does need training. I suppose you might
> > > > want to claim that your brain discovered geometry, DNA,
> > > > or computerized gene sequencing? Or even how to drive a car?
> > > >
> > > > All observers need driving lessons before they are allowed
> > > > to drive their brains anywhere. (Particularly some "drifty"
> > > > scientists and mathematicians that I know).
> > >
> > > You invoke an homunculus. The homunculus is the little man who sits
> >in the
> > > middle of your head, watching a TV screen, and punching buttons.
> >Some, more
> > > sophisticated, envision a mind (soul, self), that selects from the
> >data
> > > proffered by the brain, manipulates that data, comes to a
> >conclusion, and
> > > forwards the decision to the brain for execution.
> >
> >
> > No I don't. I've never believed in little people inside of people.
> > Your "I am a soul/mind" rather than "I have a soul/mind" is probably
> > what most people believe.
>> And who is that "I", that "has" soul/mind,
> mr. suckazoid?
> Any idea?
No. The only answer that I ever came up with why
any human would ever ask so many nonsense
question is that the universe simultaneously
sucks and blows, rather than just sucking like
you seem to think it does.