antibodies to ion channels

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Mon Nov 30 17:08:04 EST 1998

In article <73d7uk$c7c at dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com> F. Frank LeFever,
flefever at ix.netcom.com writes:
>Unfortunately, my copy of the program for the Society for Neuroscience
>meeting just past (Nov 8-12, Los Angeles) is at my hospital desk, so I
>cannot give you a name; but the meeting opened (Sat. evening) with a
>mind-boggling presentation by an ion channel maven, including 3-D
>rotating pictures of the K channel--surely he might know!  Might
>possibly be in methods section of one or more of his papers.  How to
>get his name? try the SFN website, which may include the program and
>his name.   (perhaps: www.sfn.org?)

His name is Chris Miller (Brandeis). He is also president-elect of the
Biophysical Society. His lectures are more entertaining than Saturday
Night Live. In fact, I once saw him break out in song during a keynote
address (singing a satire of modern neurobiology, with piano
accompaniment, to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan's "I am the very model
of a modern major general" - it really had to be seen to be believed).

Regarding K-channel antibodies, I would especially recommend doing a
medline search for papers by Lily Jan.


Matt Jones

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