Perceptual Symbol Systems: BBS Call for Commentators

Raymond A. Chamberlin raych at tsoft.net
Sun Nov 29 04:50:24 EST 1998

On 18 Oct 98 03:27:43 GMT, mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex) wrote:

>  avails itself now of a Chomskyan linguistic superstructure of mind:
>  /!i!i!i!i!i!\         ________                  /iiiiiiiiiii\
> /visual memory\       /        \                / auditory    \
>|               |     /  syntax  \--------------|------------\  |
>|               |     \   node   /    ______    |  memory    |  |
>|               |      \________/----/      \   |  channel   |  |
>|               |           |       /function\  |            |  |
>|      /--------|--------\  |       \ cable  /  |            |  |
>|      |        |        |  |        \______/   |    ____    |  |
>|      |        |       _V__V_           |      |   /    \   |  |
>|    __|__      |      /      \          |      |  /stored\  |  |
>|   /image\     |     /logico- \---------|------|--\ stem /  |  |
>|  /percept\----|----/conceptual\        |      |   \____/   |  |
>|  \_______/    |    \ cable    /   _____V__    |     |      |  |
>|               |     \________/   /        \---|-----'____  |  |
>|               |                 /inflection\  |     /in- \ |  |
>|               |                 \  cable   /--|----/flec- \|  |
>|               |                  \________/   |    \tion  /   |
>|               |                               |     \____/    |

Yup, black boxes'll do anything your little heart desires.


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