Opions Please! Why Does This Happen??

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Nov 28 15:57:38 EST 1998

To Chris and Lathrop:

;-)  : Greetings, the current vampire front smurfed out of the coffin
since the sunny ash-turner seemed down a while, but before spent some
time contemplating your spook stuff... 

>I can't address your question in regard to the specific
>neurological correletes of obe's. 

I can't either, but the advantage of aspired career as ACID Pope 4II
is that you neither have to understand stuff nor does it have to make

Magically regarded there are ranges where the stuff in the brain looks
a bit like a T.V. "outside a channel" with bunches of points moving,
only 3-D, and the way the (sub)atomic stuff vibes is like action
readout of sectors for my brain;
just that I old semi-autist can't process much and do not understand
much of it.
The connections between the heads are just part of that.

On other ranges I sometimes let the beginner blend me out but use my
brain like a sending tower to "draw magic energy perception data" from
my head for the room around, and then I usually get busy quite a bit
to alter the baud rate of transfer between the brains.

Usually I have the impression that just a fraction of the energy
changes in the other head are registered on my side, but there is a
trick where if I do that, I can see to that the transfer rate is
That trick has to do with alterations of the "magic cables" between
our brains, like tensing them more and keeping tight track of
alterations of the other brain.

( only know one more powerful synch method that that one, but that
seems less to do with your stuff.)

The "magic cables" then still do not look like what is going off the
star chakra of those extending out opf body I saw, but there is
something vaguely reminding me of that.

So I assume that with the ones I perceived extended out of body the
foglike stuff that is going off the star chacra 
and the energies from other sources,  
are connecting the moving subatomic stuff 
of the different cell bunch regions 
with the dancing sparks those folks tend to have where they are
spooking around at the tip.
Those sparks I find fascinating, because they seem bigger than the
(sub)atomic stuff popping up within avarage akasha surfing with other
brains, and their energy ways are registered absurd to me, which I
guess is to do with that they are not mere reactions, but part of the
other one steering around there.

So simplified that makes little moving subatomic stuff that makes cell
bunches, powerbeams that are the cables targetting to the dancing
sparks  and where the dancing sparks are, is the ghost / spririt  
(here we say Geist, meaning mind & ghost) of the other targetted.

However how which generating areas and methods are used is different.
So one person I know who can spook around with her Geist is mainly
using head stuff, another one seems to use the entire body & head.
That is making differences in the magic energies that are accumulated
where their Geist is targeted  and the connecting energies
that are seeming to be the magic cables.

These cables for my perception are having very heigh density and
seemed very beam like.

However with some stuff when they did it it seemed to cause
alterations there, but I did not pay that much attention to it,
and also I know from experience  that it is not exactly nice for them
if I start to smurf into& with their external magic cables,
because in the start, when I did not know that, I altered someone's
star chakra beam and she said thta felt like a cork, so I guess I
rather leaved the unplugged. 



>But Early out of the
>body experiences led me to a life long study of
>"psycology" and healing. I once did an informal survey
>of  folks in my melieu of the time. and found that many
>of them were able to remember having obe experiences
>often as small children and sometimes as teenagers (as
>I did). There has been a lot of writeing on the
>question. One Investigater was robert monroe an
>electrical engeneer and business man who wrote several
>books and created an institute for study of the
>phenomina. I stopped doing it because I percieved it to
>be somehow dangerous. I had no access to information on
>the subject and was unable to discuss it (in the 50's)
>with anyone for fear of being labeled as crazy. It
>seems to be well within the range of normal experience
>and can be taught. What is the nature of the out of
>body perspective? I don't know and I've thought about
>it a lot and discussed it with quite a few people. Some
>research by an english psycical society lends some
>credence to the notion that information gathered in
>that state can be accurate. (calle remote viewing)As to
>the mind, body, spirit queustion Science has yet to
>find the mind in the brain. Bits and pieces at best. I
>have run into a number of apparent previous life
>experience memories in "session" with clients and
>fellow experimenters. Usually on the genetic track.
>Subjects usually percieved these as memories of a
>previous incarnation. I can imagine other expainations
>but the memories are subjectively real as is your
>externalized perspective.
>I have often Used guided deep relaxation as a hypnotic
>induction technique and found it effective in produceng
>altered states of conciousness for the purpose of
>assisting  people to heal themselves. I could go on
>about the subject indefinitely. But It is a normal
>experience altho a culturally taboo one.

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