Opions Please! Why Does This Happen??

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Nov 28 15:58:14 EST 1998

BTW, forgot to mention that, but wildly theorizing it's my guess that
the one who seemed to extend "fully" might have extended the magic
connections that are within cell areas in a still interlinked way.

Simplified for Mr. Normal Citizen,
that means, take right and left hand, move palms towards and away from
each other (without fingers touching) and increase the field till the
arms are fully apart, then you aim one at the forehead and move away
from there until the arm is fully extended, then you go closer again
and perceive from inside the head the energy till yu can do it with
the hand full way away again, then you move it over the body as if you
were an aprentice of magic and wanted to practice extending  and
aiming, till you got several belly energy araeas, maybe your lips and
the third eye behind the middle of the forehead & area around sensing
it parallel.

I guess that in a similar fashion that they can all sense it
parallel., there is a way to in a parallel form exted the magic fields
of the sectors still interlinked, as among other things I know that
some of the magic fields are to do with data exchange within own and
with other systems.

Lathrop <lathrop at bigplanet.com> wrote:

>to cris re. obe.
>I can't address your question in regard to the specific
>neurological correletes of obe's. 

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