Validity of CAT Scan Images

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Nov 28 15:59:38 EST 1998

>... off of the B6 ... still on 15mg of Phen. Barb. per day for another 3 months  (his next
What are B6 and Phen.Barb.?
Are there possible negative side effects and if so which ones?

And why is there a going by months like he were some machine?


"G&R S" <RED_SCOUT.removethistosend at email.msn.com> wrote:

>...The questions are:
>1. Are the CAT scan and  Ultrasound showing accurate results?
I'd GUESS so, though my first question might be:

"Are they healthy?"

And the second one, if they are healthy on a recently damaged brain.

>2. If they are, does the indicated damage actually translate into physical
Guess so.
>(and mental) problems later 
Given your attitude to a child like some equation factor, I guess you
do not even need physical problems to maybe generate mental ones.
>or must actual progress be factored into the
>Your comments and advise would be greatly appreciated.
>Guenther Schweigl

Sounds German?

>...In laymans terrms the damage is in the upper rear both left and right side

If that's the parietal cortex, there was a bloke saying that if he did
some stuff there and in another area in the brain, in the past he
could alter something to do with multiple external signal input

>and in the frontal lobes but not as extensive.

Just looked up where that is, and it showed the lower front area my
systems use and the upper area the sequencer seems to use, though in
between I had the impression that there are older settings where it
might be more one, not sure.

Since you are a layman, I guess the terms don't matter.
Basically imagine you had a big computer behind some relay station in
front of you and you are dumb like a rabbit.
Ways more parallel tracks, tracking time enhancement, detail storing,
mathematics, complicated calculations that need many
"in-between-storings" & many tracks

Imagine apart from that and yourself and some other areas being your
CPU you have another one that is to do with supervising movement
sequences, and therefore is the sequencer CPU.

Had a concussion with damages that made me suspect that the sequencer
is using the uppoer frontal cortex similar to me the lower part
concerning more parallel tracking power.

But after some attempt at a preexercises to do with telekinetics and
part of my fingers I got a neat headache seeming in the entire frontal
cortex, and after the concussion also for over a year the whole left
side hurts, and I noticed that there are also other interrelations, so
I do not really know to what extent it is segregated or or one.

Maybe regard what I said more as guessing.

If you can stay up in dreams and do stuff try running mathematics
within dreams, maybe that might answer part of your questions.

>According to the doctors we are to expect mobility problems 
> at the least
Then it might be the upper part of the frontal cortex.

How big is the damage zone?

If it are not biiig holes, it might be far less bad to have some outer
neocortes damages, then to have inner important structures damaged.

>and potential learning problems.

My mother guessed that I was three weeks late and I still got
A-levels, and did not even strain much for it.
Was always shitty with optical stuff, though.
Geometry mark 5 = E, art mark 4 (always found marks there to spoil my
fun at it and wrong, anyway), handwriting bad marks ...
By now I suspect that most other children could visualize the letters
inside and hold their fingers still when they made the letters,
and I recall that it annoyed me to get bad marks for that stuff as
with a child's serious intention I tried to make them nice, and my
pictures, too, and with the latter I hated it that I did not get nice
marks for them but "spoiling ones", and that not the work put into
them was marked.
Though I guess in the eyes of the teachers it was, as till this day a
lot of what I draw looks like of a six year old, and probably was more
5 or 6 value compared to other students.

I am very sure that that is to do with normally not visualizing stuff
and finding that very hard, as the few times I manage to have an inner
picture of what it is supposed to look like outside, it becomes

Wondered if you have less cells if maybe the generators for generating
pictures inside are not powerful enough, though maybe that is

On LSD however it is quite practical concerning so far usually not
liking hallucinations, as I have the impression that for my brain it
is easier not to make pictures.

You name sounds German, in case you are from Germany:

Falls du zufaellig in der Naehe von mir wohnst (Berlin) und
irgendwoher reines LSD kriegst, und das interessiert dich:
Solange du mir nicht persoenlich zu unangenehm bist,
kann ich mit dir und einem Teil von deinem Gehirn einen Spezialvortrag
ueber MBD, Autismus und Gehirnenergiekoppelung halten.
Oder auch der Mutter oder euch beiden.
Wenn du den magischen Gehirnenergiekram willst, brauchst du aber
Konzentration fuer, weil du dafuer den Fokus und innere Energielevel
laengere Zeiten wo halten musst, waehrend ich 'ne Weile magisch um &
in deinem Kopf rumfuehrwerke, und du brauchst Vertrauen dafuer, weil
ich dann naemlich was in deinem Gehirn fuer immer aendere. 
Aber falls das Kind nicht reden lernen kann, kannste dann mit
Gehirnenergie ein bisschen kommunizieren, wenn du vorsichtig genug
bist.  Nuechtern kriegste zwar nur einen Bruchteil davon hin, 
which should
> be factored into the equation
aber vielleicht werden die Kindberechnungen dann wenigstens ein
bisschen weniger mathematisch.

>Clinical observation, showns that he is progressing as expected for a normal
>or better than normal baby with the milestone indications.

And maybe you could leave aside the 
and "normal"s not meaning individual normal  but some mass sheep
machine norming,

and maybe simply be a loving father to an individual and accept what
is normal and natural for the individual.

Actually I am glad that you are not my father;
guess it would have been my horror if my parents had broadcast worry
at me a lot and then treated me like some factored equation 
to be normed to a norm not my own.

Have you ever considered simply loving a child?

Regardless if the brain looks like swiss cheese and the child is about
as bright as a rabbit with motoric problems and less emotional counter
control abilities and less memory and parallel tracking and
concentration power?

An old mother's way is that if a child shows them a drawing with a

\ O/

looking rather warped and reminding of Quasimodo after a traffic
and the child is waiting with beaming expectations to hear how the
parent is judging the art work,
that you leave them with the impression that it is beautiful,
and in it's own way it often is.

And some might even go so far as to leave the child with the
impression that if they are continuing (as then they are nicely quiet
and not bugging you every five minutes), that maybe some day they
might become a famous artist.
And looking at the head-feeter like drawings of some famous artist
bloke, who knows; there are those just sticking butter and other stuff
onto some sheet, and get famous;
so as a parent you might not even be lying there.

What mothers usually don't do, is looking at the head-feeter,
and saying:"What a shitty drawing, looks like you have holes in your
optic processors, pretty worrying, best tomorrow I drag you to another
clinical test, little mutation,
so we can see if they can fix you into a "normal" human, or at least
fix you to fit my mile stone progress equasions. 
As this way you and what do make are not acceptable."

>Clinical observation, showns that he is progressing as expected for a normal
>or better than normal baby with the milestone indications.

Maybe you could leave aside the 
and "normal"s not meaning individual normal  but some mass sheep
machine norming,

not expect anything, 
not send worrying emotions,
and just love the individual child who is.

And maybe ask yourself how you would have liked to be treated as a
child in that age.

If I were you if it is possible, I'd not tell the child until there
are according questions that there are differences,
and then point out that if people were not different, humanity might
be boring.

(One mother on the net called her sons to be "physically challenged".)

My parents never told me, though I noticed around six that the other
children seemed oddly different to me.
But till eleven I believe that it was good that no one ever told me
and that it would have been a bad idea if they had.
Latest point with 18 they should have told me, though.
Guess around 15 would not have been bad.

My cousin is mentally handicapped and her mother helped her a lot, and
in the last years that cousin did artworks as gifts within the "clan"
that I found quite good and considered serious art, 
and she is working as a helper in a kindergarden, and I have the
suspicion that there she is having the feeling of actually having
others turning to her for advice, and also observing learning
procedures again and again.
She is far more self confident since she works there.
Of the family she is one of the kindest people and to me seems the
most patient one.
And when she had operations, as there is something wrong with the
amount of water in her head, she is taking that in an admirable way.

Maybe you could leave your worries and calculations away and be glad
your child has arms so you don't need to wipe the bum for ages to
come, and likely can see and hear instead of being blind or/and deaf,
and just be aware that for some a beautiful childhood is later power
in life.

Success and love feelings can see to axons "flowering",
and anxiety, worry, stress and many other negative emotions can see to
shrinking them and capacities.

Has it occurred to you to simply love a child without expectations nor
brain worries and making it your main worry concerning the child to
provide a nice childhood?

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