Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
>kkollins at wrote:
> : If folks do "move away from" that which needs to be done, such does not,
> : somehow, "excuse" me from doing what needs to be done, does it?
>> Are you saying that talking to yourself "needs to be done"? Why
> not just send e-mail to yourself rather than imposing your
> conversations on the rest of the world?
First, the supposition that I am "talking to myself" is Totally-Yours, Eric.
What I'm doing is Standing in the Face of the "Beast" because there're folks
who Suffer-Greatly under the Dictates of the "Beast"... and I want to Give
them the understanding that they can use to remove the Savagery that the
"Beast" imposes in their Lives.
Say there're folks near the edge of a cliff, and they're penned-in by wild
dogs... everyone who Witnesses their Plight is "Afraid" to come to their aid
out of "Fear" that the "wild dogs" will turn on =them= ...what I'm doing is
going to the folks' aid, despite there being the "wild dogs"... turns out that
the "wild dogs" are "just" figments of folks' "imaginations"... they "just"
disappear when one understands their stuff.
That's all I'm doing... and I do such be-cause I've Love for the folks who
Suffer Greatly. It matters-not if everyone else "moves away from", does it?
But it does "hurt" some when what I'm doing is "twisted" into something that
it is not... that's "Life" where the "Beast" "Lives". ken collins