Even a clock that is no longer running will be exactly right twice a
Apparently kkollins is correct: the program does seem to have
included a segment on Eric Kandel's work (as well as another segment,
on the famous patient HM; I mention this because kkollins clipped this
from the original post, leaving the rest of my comment mysterious to
those who did not see it).
I say apparently, because I have not seen a response from anyone
explicitly saying that he saw the program and can verify this; but the
surmise (by another respondent) that what was heard as "kreb" was
actually CREB seems reasonable.
For kkollins not to comment on the unlikelihood that Eric Kandel would
be talking about the Krebs cycle in rodents, however, suggests that his
knowledge of Kandel's work is nil, and he is just one of thousands
millions?) who have heard or seen Kandel's name over the past 2-3
re-shaping memory so that CREB comes out as Krebs cycle is
understandable, but what about "in rodents"? Possibly Kandel did speak
of his more recent mouse work, but maybe Aplysia was translated as "sea
hare" and the listener/viewer heard "hare", thought hares were still
classified as rodents, and therefore---!
Of the 12 posters with Kandel's name somewhere among the authors (at
Society for Neuroscience a few weeks ago), only one of the Aplysia
abstracts included a reference to CREB (none of the mouse abstracts
did); CREB references in recent articles (4 yrs) in Medline were all in
Aplysia papers, except one mouse paper looking at something "downstream
from CREB-1". However, "CREB in rodents" may have been cited in that
program--did anybody see it? (i.e. any accurate reporters?)
re my remarks about kkollins' willingness to speak on matters he
scarcely understands: please apply them to more appropriate occasions
past and future...
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <365CFDDB.8D5AE0AB at pop3.concentric.net> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
>>Mr. Frank, I =still= stand on what I posted. K. P. Collins
>>F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>>> In <365B56F4.3BA29111 at pop3.concentric.net>
kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
>> writes:
>> >
>> >Mike wrote:
>> >
>> >> [...] If anyone does know the doctor. What school was he doing
>> research
>> >> at.
>> >> How can I get ahold of him.
>> >
>> >Last I heard (years ago) Dr. Kandel was at Columbia, in New York
>> ken
>> >collins
>> >
>>>> Last I heard, Kandel-at-Columbia was still studying plasticity in
>> small, well-defined neural systems, i.e. in Aplysia. My last
>> was not years ago but days ago. Of course, he could be gone by now
>> (Thankgiving break?).
>>>> Only kkollins great (self-pronounced) Compassion for the Children
>> make him time and time again subject himself to the Ridicule of
>> =Whomoever= by Compulsively answering questions on topics he knows
>> scarcely anything about--Generously exposing his Ignorance with no
>> concern for his own =Well-Being= and the slings and arrows of
>> readers...
>>>> Bytheway: krebs cycle in rodents or elsewhere is FAR removed from
>> Eric Kandel is studying. Sounds vaguely familiar; suspect it is a
>> long-standing scam, seemingly new because of Discovery Channel
>> desperation for topics.
>>>> re HM: to be more precise, he had BILATERAL temporal lobe excision
>> intractable epilepsy. After his unfortunate example, only
>> excisions are used these days... (Now maybe kkkollins will respond
>> =Wisely= as he did when I contrasted unilateral and bilateral ECT).
>>>> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>> New York Neuropsychology Group