>> rats, mice, and monkeys showing extensive cell generation in adult hippocampus.
>>Surprising, but true nonetheless. This has been implicated in learning as
>>well; there were several new studies about it at this week's Neuroscience
>>meeting, but the exact role of neurogenesis isn't well characterized yet.
Now, how surprising indeed, that within us mammals the I centers base
is able to flexibly alter and that the base storage bank has actually
to do with learning.
Now, who would ever have thought so.
What is this, some weirdo jokes about our limbic I centers or what?
It has been known for years where we are, the own main base I center
of us mammals, the fornix going up towards the diagonal band, and
that some do just perceive themselves in the hippocampus, some their
base their but their perception point further up and that some can
shift within, and last according discussions, to do with theorizing
about historic development differences within humans,
apart from some other post here must have been years ago in the time
brain stuff still did interest me highly. W.ID, some brain surfer, if
I recall right, even mentioned docking up into the cingulate gyrus
into the own back echo and poerceiving himself from there, that's what
I call brainsurfer acrobatics.
Are the neuro folks still at trying to make the kreep show so you can
go on abusing our relatives of the other mammal races in gross ways
and pretend that we are not roughly as similar inside as our bones are
or what?
What's new.
Since there was that Jesus discussion:
If you (on suited sense enhancer of if you are that good even sober)
shift to the yellow shiny ranges or others similar enough within
energy perceiving another brain, run an occiptal linkthrough, as the
face fades withdraw to your own centers, wait till they got accustomed
to the outer optics being off though the eyes are open, and internal
energy perception no longer centrally from the eyes,
then connect just a little more again, extend out along the "shiny
beams" till you reached the other brains with whose occpiptal cortex
you held the link meanwhile, and use the "Jesus ranges" to scan the
other brain with them, where do you spot the other one?
Or simplified, if you link third eyes on white beams and then
occpitaal banks more on lower black translucent ranges, then hold both
and go scanning in between, where do you spot the centers of the other
one in there?
Thousands of yearas old telepathic skills, and here we are, and there
are people who actually till this day did not get it.
Guess for some transcending towards enlightenment, base for a lot of
magic perception, simply has not existed thousands if years.
Power halos around a lot of people are some art deco thingie,
and the yellow telepathic ranges can not possibly be considered as the
scanning and entering ranges into other human systems, must have been
some god or invented, simple advanced magic perception would not do,
that would be more than 2000 years too old and simple data.
I wonder when neuro will finally bother to catch up with the magic
data of Earth.
Would safe pretense amazement about base stuff like the own I areas
and might shorten not that important stuff like if there are a few
more or less cells (guess the MBDies or others who do not have them
will find out fast enough and then one could still seriously
contemplate the according problem),
...and one could shift to more interesting discussions about the I
areas, like program changes when setting them for older functions for
magic, embryo docking dangers, advantages and experiences.
And from those who maybe know differences of own I areas within sleep,
contemplations about docking with people in coma in the 4 days before
"the plugs are drawn" if there is still too much reason that maybe
someone should first check out if that is wise, kickstart options for
them if one wants them "back" and dangers,
effects of seemingly rather not-that-axon-requiring magic perception
in multiple sclerosis and exacly how dangerous it would be to dock
with brains with it or Alzheimer or other stuff one would not want in
the own systems, and some other interesting stuff that is a lot to do
with the own I areas.
(Was sagen Sie als Unbeteiligter zum Thema Intelligenz?)
Hope some days some American Red Indian healers might enter here, or
Yogies or others who are hopefully not minding the frequecies blasts
of a computer too much; would love to listen to the exchanges.