It doesn't matter if "moving away from" is, in fact, Perfectly-Embracing
Truth... all Prejudice is inherently-Falsehood Be-Cause it's inherently Blind
to Truth... anything done Prejudicially is done by the "Beast" that Lives in
our Flesh, in our Stead.
Why do the Work inherent in doing the reiterative-"moving toward"-Stuff that is
the flat-out-Easy Remedy to Prejudice?
That's Easy, "two"... not to do so is not to =Be=... it's having only the
Illusion of Being-Alive... even if behavior is Perfectly-Aligned with Truth, if
it's Blindly-Automated, it still is not =Being=.
As The Bard said, "To be, or not to be. That is the question." ...and the
dynamics of Prejudice's Blind-Automation are "just" that
=Wake-Up, Folks! It's time to =Live=. K. P. Collins