Can a human being remember pain ?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Nov 26 16:11:09 EST 1998

>>Katrina, If you are (or anyone else is), wondering why I so persist in
>what's so
>>seemingly-negative... (massive snippage of re-iteration of personal
>What? What? What? Where do I say anything to you? Where do I say anything
>*about* you? I asked a
>perfectly straightforward medical question of the group at large, and
>certainly resent being ranted at by someone assuming all sorts of weird shit
>aimed at himself.

He often does that, I'd not take it too personal.

> If anyone else feels like actually answering my question,
>that would be appreciated.

ANYONE?  ;-)

The stuff with the burning I do not know,
though I notices that there are sorts of scars that are looking sort
of plasticy, and might stay more sensitive than surrounding skin and
also not tan.
Guessing: Some pains maybe are reminders of stuff to avoid?

The pilot stuff:
Subatomically regarded there might be so many energies going through
them at that speed, that that might have to do with it.

Imagine you took a piece of metal, and then would move it over
different Earth energies, below satellites, would ignite different
energies around them.
Also wonder if you were to accelerate a tooth and some filling, if
they would accelerate at the same speed, though maybe that is
nonsense.  If I were in a joking mood I'd babble about E and
equivalents of m and c whatevered, and ask to stick the m of the tooth
and the filling or other dental work into that calculation and compare
the differences of the outcome.


"CAMaderer" <drcomet at utdallas.edu> wrote:

>>This isn't "memory"... it's just damaged tissue being stressed once again,

I believe that there are both.

If I try to recall having bruised my shin years or decades ago, then
that is different to aiming up at the main damage area I got from some

The latter is what you mention:
It feels like stuff gone there & remains around 
that are not capable to sort of regenerate the death "flare", 
and where even vague attempts eneded so often in pain, that I decided
to avoid that.

Some bruised shin however is more like memory, there is not current
damage report with it.

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