retrograde/anterograde labeling??

Ben Godde benjamin.godde at uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Nov 27 02:45:47 EST 1998

Ben Godde wrote:

> Hi,
> is retrograde/anterograde labeling activity dependent?
> or
> will all axonal terminations contribute to the labelling regardless of
> activity?
> if it is marker-dependent: what about horseradish peroxidase and fluoro
> ruby?

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net schrieb:
> Step-back a bit, and see the problem at a more-fundamental "level"... if
> Learning were not activity-dependent, then there'd be no way for the
> nervous system to cross-correlate microscopic trophic modifications with
> the energy-content of the external environment in which an organism is
> experiencing.
> ...

Well, let me concretize my question:

If the labelling patterns pre and post (maybe activity dependent)
learning/plasticity processes are different.
Does this mean that the ANATOMICAL connectivity pattern is changed, or
could it depend on the FUNCTIONAL connectivity pattern, only?
This question is very important for me having in mind the discussion on
the relevance of axonal sprouting for cortical reorganizational


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