neuron energy use

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Nov 26 16:10:44 EST 1998

>>> Look at it this way: It's what we send our Children to school for... to have their neural
>>>geometry altered... hopefully, for their benefit, and all of Society's, too.

WE certainly do not, but here some nice "Green Men" will come to steal
the child from you and try to force the crippling down from over a
hundred to five sense.

As we can see with the cancer rate and natural areas left and
telepathic understanding including how to transcopy sturcture data
from other brains with high success.

Also in comparison with people who were educationed in non Christian
places there are distinct differences:
Where some of the others would get injured if I were to magically do
the equivalent of screaming at them, the sense censored cripples here
might not even be able to follow.

So basically where with many from other places you can straight
magically communicate, here that tends to be impossible as people were
too crippled:

>The human nervous system is sensory based and the ability to transduce environmental
>information into action potentials dictates the state of integration of central
>neuronal structures.  Our ability to perceive our environment, to experience our
>world, is dictated by the frequency of activation of peripheral receptors, and the
>subsequent increased probability of summation of central post-synaptic pools.
>*Attempting to be professionally _polite_ and accurate,

Simplified education failed so badly, that neither transcending &
enlightenment, nor telepathic base energy functions nor other stuff
THOUSANDS of years old, nor the current nor older stages of magic of
Asia, America, Australia, Africa and Europe were covered by whoever
educated the one who wrote that.

Also obviously he failed to get taught in his education that not all
parents of Earth are for Christian sense censoring, and that of course
magicians might merrily telepathically chat with their embryos and the
later "witch children" (slang term for those with telepathic
alterations before being born), keeping the structures for magic
communication instead of crippling them.

BTW, pretty hilarious how that one tries to come up with theories
explaining why he is sense censored and why in his life he did not
spend the 1-7 sessions it takes with a good teacher to learn to energy
perceive into the brains allowing access, so that one would not even
come up with theories like that.

That was one of the most complicated excuses I ever heard for "my
education sense crippled me and I was to daft to learn magic later".

Guess for such stuff Westie education is cool:
You can go on forever with complicated wordies, if you are good till
hardly anyone gets much of what you are saying anymore.
Actually if I were better in English sometimes I'd be tempted to call
myself professor doctor Igorrr-fetch-the-brrrain, in other words,
something like Dr.Igor Frankinski of the Muenchhausener University,
and then just babble off wild nonsense theories but very hard to track
unless you really know the topic well, mixed with serious data from
serious famous sources, and spiced with invented words sounding
suspiciously like real ones left over from the Norman conquering of
England, but basically not used since then, plus the most complicated
real ones I can think off or find in Webster's Encyopledic Unabridged
Cat-Flattener Tome, the kind you can only lift to read when having a
fork-lift truck parked in range

A bit more seriously:
Yes, there are differences due to Westie education, the most
outstanding ones I observed within magic perception teaching: 
many being basically magically (and some also genetically <-->
Inquisition?) crippled, 
often after initial odd behaviours being extremely passive in learning
(some from other cultures might not favour either), 
relying very little on instinctive base programs to speed up learning,
many seeming (something short of) unable to with people around 
attempt to make no own axon activity,
little or zero ability to go to the low energy ranges some of other
cultures can transit quite fast,
 but on the positive side, when they finally get the hang of it, some
are proceeding in a quite systematic, structured learning way.
Might not be as fast as instinctive learning, nor as fast as going my
way of teaching, but has its advantages, too.

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