seeking telemetry info

Larson LARS121 at prodigy.net
Fri Nov 27 17:43:48 EST 1998

 What type of equipment would have to be implanted on a person to
achieve a totally sub-dermal, implanted system capable of delivering EEG

and cochler implant bio-feedback data via telemetry over a distance of
many miles utilizing Neuro's Scan software and STIM for data
aquisition?  In addition:

1. I understand that Biotelemetrics and Mini-Mitter manufacture a very
transmitter,.. how small is it?

2. What does the implanted system use for a power source? Does it
utilize a
battery of some sort?

3. Where could such a transmitter be implanted on the human body?

Any information that you could provide would be greatly appreciated, as
accurate info regarding this seems to be hard to come by. Thanks.


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