tech position/Vanderbilt HHMI

Bing Kuang bing.kuang at mcmail.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Nov 24 10:47:16 EST 1998

Research Technician.
	We have an immediate opening for a Research Technician II or III.  Our
laboratory uses fly genetics and molecular biology, tissue culture and
biochemical techniques to study novel signaling mechanisms and the role
of the cytoskeleton during neuronal development.  Expertise in molecular
biology, strong organizational skills, enthusiasm and a B.S. are
required.  Familiarity with genetics, biochemistry, and histological
techniques is a plus.  The Howard Hughes Medical Institute offers
compensation commmensurate with experience and performance and a
comprehensive benefits package.  For immediate consideration, please
forward your resume to:
	Dr. Peter Kolodziej
	Howard Hughes Medical Institute
	Vanderbilt University Medical Center
	823 Light Hall
	Nashville TN 37232-0295
email: kolodzp at ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu

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