Thanks for your Kindness in changing the thread header, Andrew.
Andrew K Fletcher wrote:
> I would like to enter into discussion also with Ken Collins, as his
> layperson mode of writings reveals that he is committed to "T"ruth and is
> prepared to go to prison for his beliefs! I wander how many more people
> could say that?
My "style" is as it is because, among other things, it's a way I "give myself a
hug" in the midst of my solitude... it's not easy being the most-hated person on
the planet :-)
But although my "style" is as it is, I'm a devoted Amateur Neuroscientist, and,
although I dislike doing such, I can "hold my own" standing before my
Professional Colleagues... I just think there's more to Life than "winning".
I've not studied it, but I expect the cerebrospinal fluid flows through active
dynamics... when it's produced, it goes into the ventricles, more is produced...
what was produced earlier flows to "get out of the way" of what's just been
produced. I don't know where the "drain" is... expect it's a distributed thing,
too. ken collins