question about Susuma Tonegawa

Hemidactylus at my-dejanews.com Hemidactylus at my-dejanews.com
Wed Nov 25 20:36:32 EST 1998

In my reading on long term potentiation, I've come across a couple studies
including Susuma Tonegawa:

Wilson MA and Tonegawa S. 1997. Trends in Neurosciences (20): 102-6
Silva AJ, Stevens CF, Tonegawa S, and Wang Y. 1992. Science (257): 201-6

These studies employ knockout techniques in the research of LTP.

While reading my immunology text, (Kuby J. 1997. Immunology (3rd edition). WH
Freeman and Company. New York) I noticed that a person named Tonegawa won the
Nobel Prize for work on the V and C regions of immunoglobulins and their

Is this the same Tonegawa?

Scott Chase (note followups at anthym at webtv.net)

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