the neural net and artificial intelligence

Bloxy's Bloxy's at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 25 21:44:11 EST 1998

In article <365afee5.0 at ns2.wsg.net>, "Ray Scanlon" <rscanlon at wsg.net> wrote:

>DM Bolser wrote in message ...

>>In what way do you define consciousness? As a side effect from so much
>>mechanistic processing in the brain, or as an illusion of the zombie?
>>Is consciousness evolutionarily beneficial? Acting with regard to the self
>>certainly is, doesn't this lead to a self awareness we call consciousness?

>Consciousness has two aspects: One, alertness, is objective, the
>other,awareness, is subjective.

>All animal life that possesses a neural net is alert. It reacts to its
>environment in a manner that differs from life without a neural net.

>Awareness is not part of the material world, awareness belongs, ultimately,
>to religion. It is the soul that is aware.

>We like to think that some who are alert, are also aware. Just which ones is
>a matter of disagreement. Some would limit awareness to adult, male members
>of the C of E. I would like to extend awareness to all who possess a neural

And that is where you fail with all your talk
about that, of which you have no clue.

Awareness is beyond the net.
Idiotic NN has a "neural net".
Can you EVER find a single reason to call it "aware"?

What is awareness?

You talk about where it "belongs",
but you never define what it is.

What are you talking about here?

New age horseshit?

Ok, enough fer today.

>Evolution is a concept of the physical world. Awareness is not part of that
>physical world. Awareness can not be beneficial or non-beneficial to
>survival of the individual. It is totally irrelevant.

>>What about enlightenment? That is the final jump out of the loop. I think
>>it is an important concept, and one that should not be sniffed at as
>>religious nonsense. Godel proved that no system can describe reality
>>completely accurately, so transcending the system is the only way to see
>> the truth.

>The synoptic vision is available. I argue that in the first half or three
>quarters of the next century neuroscientists will work out how the brain
>thinks. It will then be evident that there is no awareness (consciousness,
>soul) in the physical universe. Man will turn to religion.


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