krebs research , Dr Kandell

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed Nov 25 23:08:02 EST 1998

In <365B56F4.3BA29111 at pop3.concentric.net> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
>Mike wrote:
>> [...] If anyone does know the doctor. What school was he doing
>> at.
>> How can I get ahold of him.
>Last I heard (years ago) Dr. Kandel was at Columbia, in New York City.

Last I heard, Kandel-at-Columbia was still studying plasticity in
small, well-defined neural systems, i.e. in Aplysia.  My last hearing
was not years ago but days ago.  Of course, he could be gone by now
(Thankgiving break?).

Only kkollins great (self-pronounced) Compassion for the Children could
make him time and time again subject himself to the Ridicule of
=Whomoever= by Compulsively answering questions on topics he knows
scarcely anything about--Generously exposing his Ignorance with no
concern for his own =Well-Being= and the slings and arrows of outraged

Bytheway: krebs cycle in rodents or elsewhere is FAR removed from what
Eric Kandel is studying.  Sounds vaguely familiar; suspect it is a
long-standing scam, seemingly new because of Discovery Channel
desperation for topics.

re HM: to be more precise, he had BILATERAL temporal lobe excision for
intractable epilepsy.  After his unfortunate example, only UNILATERAL 
excisions are used these days...  (Now maybe kkkollins will respond as
=Wisely= as he did when I contrasted unilateral and bilateral ECT).

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

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