In <912019876.8168.0.nnrp-08.d4e44203 at> "Andrew K
Fletcher" <andrew.k.fletcher at> writes:
>Andrew Fletcher from the UK, is asking to enter this arena.
- - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>Could someone therefore sum up the accepted mechanism for circulation
in the
>cerebrospinal fluid, so that we have an independent benchmark for
>discussions? Only then will we see if this road leads us to any
- - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - -
I won't comment on his itemizing the forces by which water could be
lifted up into trees and then demanding to know how this happens.
(Incidentally, I found treatment of this wonderful process in Murchie's
"The Seven Mysteries of Life" fascinating; too bad he got spooky on the
last 2-3 mysteries...)
Nor will I comment (explicitly) on his looking to kkollins for
guidance.. ("the kkollins leading the fletcher")
However, I too am interested in CSF, and attended a satellite
conference (sponsored by NSF, prior to the Society for Neuroscience
meeting early this month) on CSF as a communications system. Among
other things, problems of its circulation were considered.
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group