Have You Done...?

Cerumen xyzchristhomas at boinet.ie
Thu Nov 26 01:39:52 EST 1998

I could not understand this, the writer seems to have the ability to write
gibberish in such a way as to make it appear sensible at first glance
though, quite a rare talent though.
Chris Thomas
WKMahler at mailexcite.com wrote in message
<73flq0$kja$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
>November 22, 1998: Late near midnight while deciding to create more
>information for a page, W. K. Mahler was reading an obituary of a persons
>life that is mentioned here on the page. During that time the name of a
>building as it first was and as it is now came to his mind. <snip

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