Jim Hunter wrote in message
<365B13F9.1FE0E8BF at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu>...
>> Remember, as far as intelligence is concerned, we are fairly sure that
> human intelligence can never be captured with a computer. That does
> not mean that humans are inherently more intelligent than computers.
If by "captured with a computer" you are referring to programmed von Neuman
computer, I agree.
This computer is limited by too many orders of magnitude.
If you include an assortment of neuromimes (design only), I strongly
When we understand how the brain works, then we shall be able to put such a
design on paper. At present we are overwhelmed by a flood of philosophical
garbage. Lucky for us, neuroscientists seem to be able to ignore the flood.
Those interested in how the brain works might look at