Ray Scanlon wrote:
> Jim Hunter wrote in message
> <365B13F9.1FE0E8BF at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu>...
> >
> > Remember, as far as intelligence is concerned, we are fairly sure that
> > human intelligence can never be captured with a computer. That does
> > not mean that humans are inherently more intelligent than computers.
>> If by "captured with a computer" you are referring to programmed von Neuman
> computer, I agree.
> This computer is limited by too many orders of magnitude.
Well you'll have to explain to me what you mean by the
computer being limited by many orders of magnitude.
Limited from what? Buddha and the magic moment.
> If you include an assortment of neuromimes (design only), I strongly
> disagree.
>> When we understand how the brain works, then we shall be able to put such a
> design on paper. At present we are overwhelmed by a flood of philosophical
> garbage. Lucky for us, neuroscientists seem to be able to ignore the flood.
Well as I said above I am not really convinced that the finished
product will be much more intelligent than AI, possibly less.