Mohanraj Narayanan wrote:
> Hi, I am an undergraduate at the university of pittsburgh majoring in
> neuroscience. I want to become a neurosurgeon, but I would like to
> know if there is anything which I could do after graduating which
> could
> generate money for my education and loans. You see I dont want to
> just
> research and teach after graduating, rather I want to secure myself
> financialy before moving onto teaching or researching, for I believe
> that
> researching and teaching brings in little money. Am I Wrong?
>> I would greatly appriciate any kind of opinions or comments on this
> matter.
If you want to become a neurosurgeon, you need to get yourself to
medical school ASAP after graduating, because you will need 12-13 years
of postgraduate training before you are a liscenced neurosurgeon. Don't
worry about paying back your loans before you finish med school - you
will probably still be able to pay them back after your training, unless
medicine has become completely socialized by then. A better reason to
take a year or two off would be to expand your horizons away from school
for a little while, before embarking on a decade-plus of further
ps - if you do figure out a way to "secure yourself financially" in a
year or two before embarking on teaching and research, please share it
with the rest of us!