F. Frank LeFever (flefever at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
:: Does your school library or town library allow you online acccess to
: Medline?
: In <19981123203635.27916.00002355 at ng22.aol.com> lindzrtart at aol.com: (Lindzrtart) writes:
: >
: >Hi, I'm doing a project on brain lateralization and handedness for my
: biology
: >class (I'm in 9th grade). Does anyone here know of any good resources
: for
: >information on this? Thanks!
Medline can be accessed through the Grateful Med and PubMed courtesy
of the National Library of Medicine. Look at
<http://www.nnlm.nlm.nih.gov/ner/nesl/9707/debate.html> for a
comparison of both and pointers to each.
Another thing you (Lindzrtart) might do is to do on-line searches of
the collections of various university and medical school libraries
for books on the subject. Then use that information to go to the
librarian and request the books via interlibrary loan. Normally,
you can get the books for about a month for about the cost of postage.
It will take about a week or so to get the books.
As a starter, you can find the catalogs for all the libraries at
Texas A&M University at <http://library.tamu.edu/evans.html>:
Click on "NOTIS (Web) under Electronic Resources"
For the main library, click on "Texas A&M U. Evans / West"
For the medical science library, click on "Texas A&M U. Med. Sci. Library"
What you're looking for is books that are applicable to your topic
with worrying about whether you can check books out from here. Your
local librarian will need to know the title of the book and the authors
(as well as the years published) and will worry about where to get
Another possibility for identifying possible sources of information is
the on-line book sellers such as amazon.com. Find the books you're
interested in and take that information to your local librarian.
Good luck.
Eric Johnson