Someone out there may be able to answer this for me.
I understand, in general terms, how the brain functions. (As a layman.)
I know that the brain is electro-chemical in function and that the
firing of the synapses (millions of them) create the metafunction we
tend to call "mind." This places the functions squarely in the world of
matter/energy. However, of this metafunction we call "mind," how
does it come to be? What is its structure? Is the mind made up of
"brain waves?" Is it made from specific firing sequences? Is it a
form of electron plasma?
I know these questions may sound silly to some out there, but I
would be appreciative if some knowledgeable soul could tell me
the (matter/energy) physical nature of "mind" as opposed to
the brain that creates it.
Thanks in advance, (rbennet2 at