Ray Scanlon wrote in message <3658d07b.0 at ns2.wsg.net>...
>A thinking machine will not be built for reasons of cost. We can examine
>human neural net. An explanation of how the neural net works will serve as
>design for a thinking machine, a design not to be implemented.
An estimate of the number of neurons in the human brain is 100 billion. How
many neurons in the entire net? 200 billion? What shall we say about the
cost of a neuromime? A dollar? A cent? Put it at one cent, then 200
billion neuromimes would cost two billion dollars. That's quite a lot of
money to pay for a curiosity when PhD's are available at $50,000.
It seems more reasonable just to talk about designing one,talk is cheap.
Neural nets:
It seems also more reasonable to talk about the neural net rather than the
brain, it gives a sense of balance. If we base our design on the neural net
then we can see that there is no essential difference between those
jellyfish that have interneurons and a human. In vertebrates the
interneurons have clumped together to form nuclei and then with
encephalization we have a brain, it is still just an agglomeration of
Explanation as design:
If we have an explanation of how man's (rat's, cat's) neural net works we
have a good design for a machine brain. This would seem obvious. Remember we
are not talking about building it, just designing it.
Those interested in how the brain works might look at