Unfortunately, my copy of the program for the Society for Neuroscience
meeting just past (Nov 8-12, Los Angeles) is at my hospital desk, so I
cannot give you a name; but the meeting opened (Sat. evening) with a
mind-boggling presentation by an ion channel maven, including 3-D
rotating pictures of the K channel--surely he might know! Might
possibly be in methods section of one or more of his papers. How to
get his name? try the SFN website, which may include the program and
his name. (perhaps: www.sfn.org?)
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
<149981CB30CB497E.3D1CE0F76EDB21E8.A489791E43BAAD9A at library-proxy.airne
s.net> andreasw at imst.de (Andreas Wojtysiak) writes:
>>Does anybody know how or where to get antibodies for fluorescent
>immunostaining of ion channels (esp. potassium channels) ??
>>Andreas Wojtysiak
>Andreas Wojtysiak IMST
>Tel: +49-2842-981-362 Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Str. 2
>Fax: +49-2842-981-398 D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort
>E-mail: wojtysiak at imst.de Germany