If you don't mind, could you say what problems exactly are making your
life a hell? Surely it is not simply the visual field defect. A
visual field defect (field cut) can be easily compensated for; if,
however, it is left "visual neglect" this is sometimes difficult to
deal with. Perhaps there are other problems?
We are still a long way off from practical applications of the research
on neural healing, but right noow, today, there is much help to be had
from people skilled in applicatioon of "cognitive remediation" or
"cognitive rehabilitation" (I know first hand; it is an important
aspect of work at my hospital, for people with head trauma, brain
surgery, stroke, etc.).
There are some very good nerologists and neuropsychologists in Italy;
even those who are not involved in remediation may be able to refer you
to those that are.
For ex:
Antonio Tartaglione, MD tartneuro at ulisse.itsyn.it
Anna Basso, fax 2-55130382 (Milan Univ Neurological Clinic)
Gianfranco Denes, M.D. (Neurology Dept, Univ of Padova)
Erminio Capitani, M.D. cnhsp at imiucca.csi.unimi.it (Milan)
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <005701be16fb$e378cde0$0100007f at ntonsi> ntonsi at GLOBALNET.IT ("NEVIO
TONSI") writes:
>>dear sir, my name is Nevio I am 35 y.o. man from north Italy and I am
>paralyzed at the left side of the body for an angioma (I don't know
>exactly term in English language) and four years ago I have a
>stereotassic treatment for this angioma at the right side of the
>one year exactly later begin the emiparesys and I have lost the left
>of vision.
>I do not need of wheel chair and I am independent but my life is a
>hell .....
>actually I am in therapy whit TEGRETOL(a drug for epilepsy).I have
read a
>news from CNN health site (look at
>this talk of a r therapy for the brain cells damage.
>is this therapy right for me?
>where and when this will are in the realty?
>can somebody help me?
>please help me!