kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
: Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
:: > kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
: > : Only to the degree that there are published experimental results... I've
: > : no Lab... but if there are published experimental results, then all
: > : =aynyone= needs is the Will to Learn, and cross-correlate there stuff.
: > :
: > : In my work in Physics, "Tapered Harmony", I've been able to get a handle
: > : on the general, ionic/molecular case... details are "just" more of the
: > : same-stuff.
: >
: > Tapered Harmony? I've never heard of that field and I thought I'd
: > heard of the vast majority of fields in Physics.
:: "It's a long story". Tapered Harmony (TH) is a theory of Physical Reality that
: extends from what has been referred to as "sub-nuclear" to Cosmological
: dimensions. It's going to replace "'quantum' mechanics, and Unify Physics...
: when I write of "what's described by 2nd Thermo (wdb2t)", I'm invoking TH.
: What's referred to as "gravity" is already Unified in TH, and what's referred
: to as "time" is reduced to the one-way flow of energy that is wdb2t. And so
: forth. I know of no experimental result that can challenge TH, and TH points
: to stuff that had not even been dreamed of prior to TH.
I'll believe that when I see it.
: > I'll ask my roommate about it. He's working on his PhD in Physics.
:: I've a Formal Challenge before the Physics Community, asking that they submit
: any replicated, published, experimental results to TH as a test of it's
: Veracity. Perhaps your roommate will come up with something.
I suspect he'll be puzzled for a minute or two and then just laugh!
: <snip>
: ... When Mathematicians "calculate", for instance, what
: they're actually doing is =all= "Thermodynamics", and their "calculations"
: =all= reduce directly to wdb2t.
Accountants calculate. Mathematicians prove (or disprove).
: ...
: Honestly, my jaw is hanging-down that I've not been able to find any small
: Academic Community that will give all of this work a Fair and Dispassionate
: Hearing... and it seems to me, because of what I've experienced, in this vein,
: that Science, itself, must be NonExistent. Otherwise, how could it be that one
: who's given everything that a man can give to Science not be Heard-out by
: folks in-Science? Such doesn't compute, does it?
True discoveries are made by people who are experts in their fields.
Anyone who can't be bothered to become such experts is not going to
prove the old theories wrong and replace them with new theories.
Eric Johnson