Aw, c'mon folks... you're cracking me up :-) ken collins
Ray Scanlon wrote:
> A thinking machine will not be built for reasons of cost. We can examine the
> human neural net. An explanation of how the neural net works will serve as a
> design for a thinking machine, a design not to be implemented.
>> We see no place for the predicate calculus or Turing machines. The various
> approaches of artificial intelligence have stalled, connectionism is lost in
> pattern recognition. It is the wiring of the neural net that holds promise.
>> A natural fallout from neural net explanation and design will be a
> demonstration that consciousness is not needed in a material universe. This
> makes cognitive science moot.
>> We cannot envision the universe or anything in it except as an observer. We
> can go round in circles as long as we please, we cannot envision soul (mind,
> self).
>> Ray
> Those interested in how the brain works might look at