Fully one third of the current hypothesis in high energy physics are
untestable; the Standard Model fits current empirical theory fairly well,
and you'd be run out the back door permanently were you to accuse the big
boys at CERN or SLAC of running on faith. But E still equals mc^2, Higgs
bosons still decay to leptons, and although not very pretty, the Standard
Model is still empirically pleasing. Now tell me again why testability must
predicate science?
Shaft wrote in message <36532160.4995D522 at indiana.edu>...
>>You can search for middle ground in the fray of the arguments, and
>inhabit with your comfortable beliefs, but one fact remains. The
>numerous hypotheses of creation by the hand of God are
>UNTESTABLE, and therefore UNSCIENTIFIC. If you believe in
>the beauty and simplicity of the scientific method as a model that
>guides your life and your pursuit of the truth outside the laboratory,
>then you will quickly find yourself among the agnostics.
>>So, find your middle ground. Feed your "inquiries". But realize that
>your hybrid philosophy of the universal creation is only partially
>based on scientific thinking. The other part is pure revelation.